KHS to exhibit PET bottle high penetration protection technology for the first time in China

KHS GmbH (Dortmund, Germany), a leading manufacturer of filling and packaging systems for the beverage, food and non-food industry, will be present at China International Beverage Industry Technology Exhibition (CBST, November 4, 2015 - On the 6th, exhibiting its innovative InnoPET Plasmax coating technology, this is the first time the company has exhibited this technology in China. In order to create a new and stylish packaging solution for the industry and consumer market, the system will The health and quality advantages are combined with the weight advantages of PET bottles.

“Proprietary technology is our foundation, and spiritual thinking is our driving force.” KHS CEO Matthias Niemeyer said, “We will participate in this year’s CBST.”

The Plasmax process involves adding an ultra-thin and very soft pure glass (silicon oxide) to the plasma process. The final coating prevents carbon dioxide, oxygen and spices from entering the product. This unique PET bottle processing technology greatly improves the shelf life, ensures a high quality taste and consistent vitamin composition, both to extend the product's preservation time and enable the PET bottle to have a crystal-clear appearance. In addition, Plasmax technology ensures that the ultra-thin (<0.1μm) glass layer adheres tightly to the PET bottle under all circumstances, meaning it will not break or break. As for sustainability, this coated PET bottle can be completely recycled like a pure PET bottle.

At present, this innovative technology has been successfully deployed in the world: Global manufacturers of plastic bottles and plastic containers, and permeators who are vulnerable to environmental impact and high-quality beverages and foods, have begun to use Plasmax coating systems.

KHS GmbH, a subsidiary company of the Salzgitter Group, employs more than 4,600 people and has 11 manufacturing facilities worldwide, located in Germany, the United States, China, Brazil, Mexico and India. Its product range includes machines for the production of plastic bottles, labeling machines, packaging machines and pallet stackers.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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