M-real Introduces Kemiart Ultra

M-real is Europe's top paper and paperboard manufacturer. It recently introduced a new white paperboard - Kemiart Ultra. The cardboard's printing properties and lighter weight make it the most suitable retail product, especially suitable for packaging because it is easy to transport and attracts the customer's attention. It is said that Kemiart Ultra can provide people with a high level of image quality in a variety of post-processing processes, and can also exhibit high productivity in printing and paper processing.

Kemiart Ultra complements M-real's existing Kemiart family of products, which currently include Kemiart Brite, Kemiart Lite and Kemiart Graph.

M-real claims that the surface of Kemiart Ultra enables the ink to dry in a shorter period of time than conventional coated paperboards, allowing it to handle larger ink volumes for faster printing speeds.

Juha Lounasvaara, deputy manager of corrugated box materials at M-real, said: “Before the launch of Kemiart Ultra, no one was able to complete the printing of coated cardboard on a conventional press without reducing productivity. We have now received Kemiart. According to feedback from early Ultra users, they believe that the productivity of this board is at least 40% higher than that of other coated boards. Ultra will definitely overturn the established board performance standards."

Source of information: pack.cn

Fan Art Paint Brushes

Fan art paint brush is one type of painting brushes . Painting brushes has different brushes shape like Fan, Filbert, Round, Line painting brush. Samina foram makes best fan art paint brush. We have synthetic fan brush, nature hair Fan brush. The hardness includes soft hair paint brush and stiffer paint brush.

Paint Brush

Types of brushes
There are so many many brushes:washes/glazes, rounds, flats, filberts and liners and more. Choosing the right type for the technique is important. Let`s look at the different types.

Flat Brushes
Flats are brushes with a straight chisel edge and square shaped filaments. These can be known as shades if they`re in smaller sizes and washes/glazes if in bigger sizes. Large areas are painted with a wash/glaze brush whereas smaller flats are used for small areas of painting

Round brushes
Round brushes have a large diameter of the ferrule, more so than a liner, which can be used for applying thick to thin lines, filling in odd shaped areas, painting details and work great for lettering. Liners don`t hold as much paint as a round, however, they are super great for creating lines or curves. Script liners are similar to liners but the filaments are much longer and hold more paint. A round brush tapers to a pointed tip – several types of rounds are referred to rounds, liners or script liners. Angle brushes are filaments that have been cut on an angle – these are excellent to use in small or curved areas of the painting.

Brushes with oval shaped filaments are known as filberts in smaller sizes and oval wash in larger sizes. Both shapes can be used for base coating, stroke work and more. There are filbert combs, filbert wash and more.

Mop Brushes
Then there are mop brushes–great for blending and smoothing out small areas. They`re also ideal for applying powdered pigments–just dust them lightly over hot or tacky wax.

Specialty Brushes
Then there are all the speciality brushes on the market used for certain techniques and garner their own results–fan, deer-foot, stumbler, mops,stencil and more

Fan Art Paint brushes,Fan Painting Brush, Watercolor Paint Brush

SAMINA FORAM (SHENZHEN) CO., LIMITED. , https://www.saminabrush.com

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