Control glueing device

Patent name: Patent application number for controlling glueing device. 0
Publication number: 2574903
Applicant: Shanghai North Manshun Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.

The device is mainly composed of a rubber wheel, a plastic pot, a book holder and the like. The feature is that a gap is provided on the rubber wheel, which is fixed at one end of the mandrel by a screw, and the core shaft is fixed on the glue through a copper sleeve and a sleeve. On the pot, at the other end of the mandrel, a gear is fixed by a key, and is connected with a gear on another mandrel through a connecting gear. A sprocket is fixed on the connecting gear by a screw, and is connected with the sprocket on the drive shaft through the chain. The wheel and drive shaft are fixed by one key. The structure is reasonable and the concept is ingenious. During operation, since the rubber wheel can rotate around the mandrel, loosening the screw can adjust the position relationship between the notch and the book, and after the adjustment, the screw can be locked to meet the binding process requirements. Convenient and reliable, with promotion value.

Source: Guangdong Printing

  • Lightweight construction to avoid airline fees
  • 360 degree enhanced wheel system so you can glide through the airport effortlessly
  • Ergonomic handle grips allow for maximum control of your suitcase while traveling and moving through crowded airports
  • Fully expandable to ensure maximum packing capacity
  • Beautiful designer pattern to keep you styling on the go

Four Universal Wheeled Trolley Luggage

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Jiangxi Jizhirui Luggage CO.,Ltd. ,

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